Friday, 20 May 2011

Gorgoroth- Under the sign of hell re-recorded.

" GORGOROTH have issued the following update:

"GORGOROTH will spend the following week in [drummer] Tomas Asklund's Monolith Studio to put the finishing touches on a project which has been kept secret until now: a complete re-recording of the band's third album, 'Under The Sign Of Hell'.

"It has long been Infernus' [guitar] wish to do such a re-recording, and now the work is close to an end. No release date has been set yet, but an early-to-mid-2011 release is likely.

"In addition, the time in the studio will be spent working on the still-untitled next GORGOROTH full-length album, tentatively scheduled for a late 2011 release. Both albums will be released by Regain Records.

I don't know if I'm happy about this. Under the sign of hell was a amazing album. Considering that the last release from Gorgoroth was a triggered mess,this could turn out bad.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Albums to look out for this year.

2011 has been pretty eventful so far this year in terms of metal. The albums I had been waiting for since last year came out and a few unexpected albums where released too. 

Ulcerate : Destroyers of All
The album i was waiting for was Ulcerate's destroyers of all which was a album I had been waiting for since last year. I really wanted to see them live,but was out of the country when they just finished the album. The albums good,but not as good as everything is fire. Everything is fire was a bit more chaotic and dissonant and the production was a bit better. 

Burzum : Fallen
A surprising album appeared from Burzum . The album called "Fallen" was released a few months ago. After hearing last years album "Belus" I wasn't expecting much,but noted a progression towards Varg's earlier works which gives me future hope that he can pool his creative ideas and create another amazing album.

Mussorgski: Chaos and Paranormal Divinity.
Industrial black metal artist Mussorgski released a new album the first since the 90's titled Chaos and Paranormal Divinity. This album has a atmosphere that reminds me of Beherit's Drawing down the moon with its very smooth production. I really like this unique non-satanic style of black metal that Mussorgski creates. The album also includes a few re-recorded songs from In Harmony with the Universe which sound identical except for production quality. Its amazing to see a artist play songs that were written at least 16 years ago.

Beherit : At the Devils Studio 1990
Some Beherit news came out of the blue a few weeks ago with their debut album being announced. That might confuse a lot of people ( The Oath of Black Blood was a collection of demos their label released when they failed to produce their first album) The recordings of this first album were lost for 20 years and now have been fixed up and will be released on the 19th of June. The album is called "At the Devils Studio 1990". In this album you can hear 2 totally unreleased tracks and rest are totally different versions you haven't hear before.

Other News
  • Sorcier Des Glaces announced three albums for this year. A song is now up on his myspace.
  • The newest Gorguts album should be appearing in the next few months. After listening to the pre-production song  I'm quite enthused about the new album.
  • I always wait for news of a new Summoning album, but it seems to never occur.
  • I hope to hear something about a new Portal album since I fanatically listen to Swarth.
  • The guitarist from cult death metal act Timeghoul is looking for a vocalist to do a new project which should create some interesting results.
  • Steeve Hurdle( ex-Gorguts,ex-Negitiva) has a new project called Chaos,Chaos,Infinite wonder which hopefully will have a song released soon. Steeve Hurdle is known for give Obscura that weird guitar style.

Cryptopsy: None so vile.

Cryptopsy: None so vile.
Released 1996

A follow up to Cryptopsy's first album, none so vile is seen as one of the best pieces of death metal created. Whenever discussions break out on the internet about what are the best metal albums of all time this album always rears its head.

Cryptopsy's style of death metal on none so vile is a schizophrenic maze that at stages borders on grindcore. Rhythmically violent none so vile takes strides in technicality from its predecessor Blasphemy Made Flesh in all areas and launches Cryptopsy into a technical death metal space. Unlike most of the modern technical death metal none so vile isn't endless shredding and trying to be as "technical as fuck".

The songs, the riffs and the structure are chaotic and burn themselves into your memory,but have a strong narrative structure.The drums fit into the songs structures and feel like they belong unlike some bands where it feels like generic patterns have been inserted under the guitars.The vocal delivery is rich and varies throughout the length of each song. Lord worm's writing should also be mentioned. His lyrics are some of the most unusual lyrics I have ever heard in my 10 years of listening to the genre.  Such as this extract from "Phobophile":

" In the kitchen
With a screaming triple amputee...
Its completion depends solely
On my needs...
Said amputee's stumps
Are my way of saying... "Thank you
Just for being you."
Its fear tastes better than its limbs. "

The production of this album is great the range of the album. When listening to the album you never lose track of any instruments. The smoothness of the production adds another reason of why the album succeeds and feels so refined. In the end I think this is what technical death metal should be. Technical, yet strong and have unique style unlike generic "me to" technical death ,metal of the modern era.

Cryptospy's none so vile: 98%

Download (if you really like the album buy the damm thing its only $8.77)

Monday, 16 May 2011

The Creation

The alloy metal blog is set up for the main reason: Most of the metal blogs out there are all focused on the new metal released each day not on what has been released. Finding myself sifting through all the metal blogs I can find its quite rare to find anything decent. So I have turned my attention to reviewing albums that I get my hands on.