Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Blut Aus Nord Comosophy


1. Epitome XIV
2. Epitome XV
3. Epitome XVI
4. Epitome XVII
5. Epitome XVIII

Baring Teeth - New Album Preview

After releasing 2011 amazing album Atrophy Baring Teeth have started to work on their new album which will be titled Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins and will be released in 2013. Here is a preview of some of the music off this new album, enjoy.

Blut Aus Nord Cosmosophy Songs Leaked On YouTube

While Blut Aus Nords long awaited Comosophy hasnt been offically released someone has leaked songs to youtube for our viewing pleasure. The songs are definitely Blut Aus Nord but they have taken on some new attributes such as a lot more clean vocal work and use of electronic effects. As a conclusion of the trilogy I think it is a fitting end. There was the fury of Sects, the hypnotic feeling of the desanctification and finally the ethereal calm of Comosophy.

Although completely unexpected this album will be one of the best this year for sure.