Saturday, 2 June 2012

Aethyrvorous - Demo

Sometimes amazing bands never release an album. Aethyrvorous is one of those bands. This demo was released a few years ago limited to 300 copies then Aethyrvorous dissapeared. The music on this demo seems similar to the style to Portal, Impetuous Ritual or Antediluvian. Each riff is infused with dark churning feel. The sound quality for this demo is quite good, each instrument is clear but if you listen to any of the bands mentioned above I'm sure it doesnt matter to you.

Download Aethyrvorous- Demo

Friday, 1 June 2012

Baring teeth- Atrophy


Baring teeth are an American Death Metal band which sounds like what would happen if Gorguts made Death Metal with a tinge of post rock. Baring Teeth mixes tons of influences to create its own unique death metal sound, and it works amazingly well. They bring something unique to the genre and in my opinion are an amazing band. If you haven't got this album already, get it. It's totally worth it.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

New Mitochondrion Song "Insummation"

Hey all, I just found this nice vid of a new song from Mitochondrion. The news on the internet is this song will be on there next release.

SVARTIDAUDI - The Perpetual Nothing

Another twisted mess of Dissonance has showed its ugly head.

Svarti DauĂ°i are a  black metal band from Iceland.There name means "Black Death" in their native tongue. They have been around for quite a while and have released quite a few demos but never a album. Luckly there next release is getting close according to the band they only have to get the artwork done. Here is a preview track from their upcoming album:

Interviews with Mitochrondrion and Dodecahedron

 I spent the morning listening to some very long and interesting interviews with Mitochrondrion and Dodecahedron. These interviews cover album philosophies, writing processes, lyrical meanings and how these bands create their unique style. Enjoy.

Monday, 28 May 2012

RIP Steeve Hurdle of Gorguts / Negativa (1971 - 2012)

The legendary guitarist responsible for most of Obscura's sound has passed away. Steeve Hurdle, who passed away 20/5/2012, reportedly of post-surgical complications. Hurdle was 41. This shit really sucks, Steeve's guitar playing was a huge influence on my own and Obscura is my favorite album.

R.I.P Steeve.

Abyssal Denouement 2012

Blackend Death metal has a lot of amazing acts coming out Abyssal is one of them. Denouement is rich with texture and dissonance much like other new death metal bands with a similar style (Mitochondrion, Ulcerate etc) and deserve just as much praise. The songs move from violent blast beats to  moments of melody and clarity. This makes the songs sometimes feel uneven but after a few listens that is overshadowed by how great the music feels.

Buy/Download here for free

Deathspell Omega "Drought" June 22nd 2012

New track from their upcoming EP "Drought" releasing on June 22nd 2012 via Season of Mist Records. This EP should be awesome.

Buy it
Amazon samples

Azoic - Gateways (2012)

Damn its been long, my degree is sucking up all my time.

The guys over at the the Living Doorway upload some great albums and this is the latest upload: Azoic- Gateways. This debut album seems like a combo of Deathspell Omega style dissonance and what to me feels like The Chasm.Through out the album the music sways between blasting and hypnotic and shows that these musicians have a great future ahead of them.

Azoic Facebook
Azoic Soundcloud