Thursday, 29 November 2012

Portal announce Vexovoid.


"Vexovoid", the fourth album from Australia's Portal out February 13, 2013 via Profound Lore. A song has been released 'Curtain'.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

ÆVANGELIST De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis

Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis has finally been relased. It surely is a blackended death metal punch to the face. It's disturbing, experimental and exactly what I need. The band posted this on their facebook page "Spiritual journey in nightmare", thats exactly what this is.

Klast - Tropean Winds

Klast is a project by a Jeremy Salvo who plays all instruments and vocals and Tropean Winds is as far as I know the debut album from this project. The music is a twisted Ulcerate style that I personally enjoy. It's actually pretty hard to find anything about the artist behind this project apart from his name so I guess for now I will have to leave it at that. The album is available for free from his website, it's always refreshing when an artist comes out of nowhere and produces and releases a great album for free which you and download with no strings attached.

Download Klast - Tropean Winds

Svartidauði - Flesh Cathedral (2012)

"Spawned by hellish visions of the unlife, SVARTIDAUÐI spreads the delirious word of the Lord through the prism of drugs-induced noise terror. The bloom of the universe reversed back into the womb of Death.... Building the Cathedral of Flesh, raised upon the ruins of the manifest world. Where mould grows upon the remains of the brighter future, there he rises as the King of what is and is not. The twilight has arrived and the sun is fading into the void.... Yet, a new Sun is rising in the absence of life. And this is its Gospel! Raw and aggressive Black Death Metal with psychedelic overtones and disturbing dissonances, SVARTIDAUÐI's first full-length is finally at hand. "Flesh Cathedral" shall be revealed soon!"

Finally Svartidauði's debut album has been released six years after their first demo. The four lengthy songs contained within show the full range of Svartidauði's sound. Once again a band who have a unique twist on the sound of black metal.

Track listing:

1. Sterile Seeds 15:32
2. The Perpetual Nothing 10:34
3. Flesh Cathedral 11:25
4. Psychoactive Sacraments 18:37


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Blut Aus Nord Comosophy


1. Epitome XIV
2. Epitome XV
3. Epitome XVI
4. Epitome XVII
5. Epitome XVIII

Baring Teeth - New Album Preview

After releasing 2011 amazing album Atrophy Baring Teeth have started to work on their new album which will be titled Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins and will be released in 2013. Here is a preview of some of the music off this new album, enjoy.

Blut Aus Nord Cosmosophy Songs Leaked On YouTube

While Blut Aus Nords long awaited Comosophy hasnt been offically released someone has leaked songs to youtube for our viewing pleasure. The songs are definitely Blut Aus Nord but they have taken on some new attributes such as a lot more clean vocal work and use of electronic effects. As a conclusion of the trilogy I think it is a fitting end. There was the fury of Sects, the hypnotic feeling of the desanctification and finally the ethereal calm of Comosophy.

Although completely unexpected this album will be one of the best this year for sure.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

ÆVANGELIST De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis

ÆVANGELIST- De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis

Relase date: September/October
Label: Voidhanger Records

Ævangelist are a blackend death metal band from Florida who are comparable to Portal, Mitochondrion or Vasaeleth. The teaser tracks from their upcoming debut album De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis drip suffocating atmosphere best explained by their labels page:

"You won't find anything pleasant in this dark epiphany. No melodies, no nice hooks, no frills. Just ugliness and utter despair; the tortured screams of those who already inhaled the nauseating, unbereable stench of death while waiting for the horrendous vacuum of non-existence that lays beyond..."

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Chthe'ilist - Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth

Chthe'ilist is a new death metal band straight out of Québec, an area of Canada known for unique and amazing death metal. Their first demo titled Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth is a great ode to a long forgotten sound in death metal. This demo belts out three homages to bands such as Demilich, Timeghoul, Adramelech and other Finnish death metal bands from the glory days of the genre.Each crazily named song is well composed and flow from influence to influence to create new death metal in a much missed style.This will be entering my albums of the year list for sure.


1.) N’triiodctuion’to Iagorsmataanph

2.) Into the Vaults of Ingurgitating Obscurity (Masticated by the Cryptic Shapes That Guards the Gateway of EilÆUdom)

3.) Scriptures of the Typhlodians (Chapter I of the Book of UsommnÆGinn)

4.) VeÆcoiitnÆaphnatÆsmaalÓ

Listen to Chthe'ilist - Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth

Download  Chthe'ilist - Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Demos from Timeghouls Guitarist

Grevlar from Timeghoul has uploaded a few demos from a project of his. These two tracks really feel like Timeghoul tracks

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Deathspell Omega Drought, Leaked

Deathspell Omega's new Ep(Drought) as leaked out onto the internet a few days early. What I have heard so far points towards being one of the best releases of the year. It's Deathspell Omega in its purest form. Remember if you love their music and you can afford it, please buy it and support the artist. Enjoy.

Download Drought

Thursday, 7 June 2012


Fabricant is a two piece death metal band from California. Taking inspiration from famous underground death metal bands such as Demilich and Timeghoul their 2010 demo is a ode to odd death metal. This four track demo melts the mind.
Each song is a combination of alien riffs which craft the songs atmosphere and remind you what great death metal sounds like. The songs have great progression and the riffs fit together really well. I truly recommend this band to anyone who enjoys death metal.

Ad Nauseam - preproduction sample

With a swirling mess of dissonent notes Ad Nauseam(formly known as death heaven) has caught my attention. This is a preproduction song from the album they are currently writing which does not seem to have a release date. I just hope this doesnt take forever to be released( I'm looking at you Gorguts).

Ad Nauseam

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Aethyrvorous - Demo

Sometimes amazing bands never release an album. Aethyrvorous is one of those bands. This demo was released a few years ago limited to 300 copies then Aethyrvorous dissapeared. The music on this demo seems similar to the style to Portal, Impetuous Ritual or Antediluvian. Each riff is infused with dark churning feel. The sound quality for this demo is quite good, each instrument is clear but if you listen to any of the bands mentioned above I'm sure it doesnt matter to you.

Download Aethyrvorous- Demo

Friday, 1 June 2012

Baring teeth- Atrophy


Baring teeth are an American Death Metal band which sounds like what would happen if Gorguts made Death Metal with a tinge of post rock. Baring Teeth mixes tons of influences to create its own unique death metal sound, and it works amazingly well. They bring something unique to the genre and in my opinion are an amazing band. If you haven't got this album already, get it. It's totally worth it.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

New Mitochondrion Song "Insummation"

Hey all, I just found this nice vid of a new song from Mitochondrion. The news on the internet is this song will be on there next release.

SVARTIDAUDI - The Perpetual Nothing

Another twisted mess of Dissonance has showed its ugly head.

Svarti Dauði are a  black metal band from Iceland.There name means "Black Death" in their native tongue. They have been around for quite a while and have released quite a few demos but never a album. Luckly there next release is getting close according to the band they only have to get the artwork done. Here is a preview track from their upcoming album:

Interviews with Mitochrondrion and Dodecahedron

 I spent the morning listening to some very long and interesting interviews with Mitochrondrion and Dodecahedron. These interviews cover album philosophies, writing processes, lyrical meanings and how these bands create their unique style. Enjoy.

Monday, 28 May 2012

RIP Steeve Hurdle of Gorguts / Negativa (1971 - 2012)

The legendary guitarist responsible for most of Obscura's sound has passed away. Steeve Hurdle, who passed away 20/5/2012, reportedly of post-surgical complications. Hurdle was 41. This shit really sucks, Steeve's guitar playing was a huge influence on my own and Obscura is my favorite album.

R.I.P Steeve.

Abyssal Denouement 2012

Blackend Death metal has a lot of amazing acts coming out Abyssal is one of them. Denouement is rich with texture and dissonance much like other new death metal bands with a similar style (Mitochondrion, Ulcerate etc) and deserve just as much praise. The songs move from violent blast beats to  moments of melody and clarity. This makes the songs sometimes feel uneven but after a few listens that is overshadowed by how great the music feels.

Buy/Download here for free

Deathspell Omega "Drought" June 22nd 2012

New track from their upcoming EP "Drought" releasing on June 22nd 2012 via Season of Mist Records. This EP should be awesome.

Buy it
Amazon samples

Azoic - Gateways (2012)

Damn its been long, my degree is sucking up all my time.

The guys over at the the Living Doorway upload some great albums and this is the latest upload: Azoic- Gateways. This debut album seems like a combo of Deathspell Omega style dissonance and what to me feels like The Chasm.Through out the album the music sways between blasting and hypnotic and shows that these musicians have a great future ahead of them.

Azoic Facebook
Azoic Soundcloud